News from News

Maroš Čuchta is the new CEO of PosAm

Maroš Čuchta is the new CEO of PosAm
We are celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of the PosAm branch in Košice at a new address

We are celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of the PosAm branch in Košice at a new address
Change of Company’s Registered Office

Change of Company’s Registered Office
Branch in Žilina celebrates its thirtieth anniversary

Branch in Žilina celebrates its thirtieth anniversary
Slovak Telekom sells its stake in PosAm subsidiary

Slovak Telekom Group has announced a further change in its structure. Slovak Telekom has sold its 51% stake in PosAm – which it owned since 2010 – and as a result, PosAm will once again operate independently on the Slovak ICT market from March 3rd, 2023. Slovak Telekom agreed on the buyback of 51% of the company’s share directly with its founder and CEO Marián Marek. However, the sale of PosAm does not prevent Slovak Telekom and PosAm looking for opportunities for effective cooperation on selected projects in the future. […]

Slovak Telekom sells its stake in PosAm subsidiary
Workforce management vo Východoslovenskej distribučnej sme rozšírili o ďalšie procesy

PosAm workforce management systém zmenil zložitý papierový proces vybavovania pracovných príkazov na automatizovaný a elektronický postup. Plánovanie prác, prerozdeľovanie pracovných príkazov, zaznamenávanie údajov, prenos dát do centrálnych systémov, všetko prebieha v elektronickej podobe. Pracovné príkazy dostáva pracovník priamo na svoje mobilné zariadenie. Pri rozhodovaní, komu sa pracovný príkaz pridelí, sa berú do úvahy údaje o dostupnosti pracovníkov, ich pracovné zaradenie a kompetencie a tiež rozvrh úloh a plán ciest po regióne. Pri inštaláciách, kontrolách, výmenách, alebo odpočtoch sú všetky údaje snímané automaticky. Informácie o klientovi, odbernom mieste, alebo spotrebe načítava sonda a prenáša […]

Workforce management vo Východoslovenskej distribučnej sme rozšírili o ďalšie procesy
Workforce management in Východoslovenská distribučná was exceeded by next processes

The PosAm workforce management system has changed the complicated paper process of work orders to an automated and electronic process. Planning of work, redistribution of work orders, recording of data, transmission of data to central systems, everything is done in an electronic form. Work orders are delivered directly to mobile devices of employees. When deciding to whom a work order is assigned, availability of staff, their position and competence should be considered, as well as their task schedule and the road map of the region. For installations, inspections, exchanges or […]

Workforce management in Východoslovenská distribučná was exceeded by next processes
The Once Only Principle should be applied throughout the whole of Europe

An initial meeting of consortium representatives of the TOOP (The Once Only Principle) project from 21 European countries took place in Tallinn, Estonia´s capital, at the end of January. This project was initiated by the European Commission on 1 January 2017 within the Horizon 2020 programme in order to ensure implementation of “The Once Only Principle”. The TOOP project is part of the EU eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020 and will contribute towards increasing the efficiency of the Digital Single Market. The goal of TOOP is to allow cross-border cooperation among […]

The Once Only Principle should be applied throughout the whole of Europe
Quickly and fairly. And with the new sales system also through multiple channels.

Allianz – Slovenská poisťovňa wants to provide its services to customers quickly and fairly. Quickly fulfilling customers’ requirements, but also quickly introducing new products onto the market. Removing any barriers to selling anywhere in the sales network and the ability to provide services in any location, is the strategic priority of the insurance company. High quality application support during sales is a necessary prerequisite for achieving these goals. When creating the broker solution, PosAm utilized a completely new approach towards the sale of the products themselves. It should reflect the […]

Quickly and fairly. And with the new sales system also through multiple channels.
New equipment means better quality tuition of informatics at university

Help for Schools was the initiative of Peter Kolesár, Director for Public Administration at PosAm. He completed his study at the University of Economics in Bratislava back in 1997. Today, as a manager in a successful IT company, he felt an obligation to his Alma mater: “I’d like to express my pride at being a graduate of the University of Economics and I am glad that I could at least in this way give back to the school some of what it gave me. Apart from a quality education, I […]

New equipment means better quality tuition of informatics at university
PosAm receives title of National champion in European Business Awards 2016/17

The European Business Awards are awarded to companies that attain exceptional financial results, dynamic growth, excel in their strategy toward innovation and set the way forward in their sector. This is the tenth time the prize has been awarded, with over 33,000 companies from 34 European countries competing for a nomination this year. The title of national champion is awarded to companies based on evaluation of seven criteria. An expert panel assessed each company on, for example, its innovations, ethical profile, quality of relations with business partners and long-term strategy, while […]

PosAm receives title of National champion in European Business Awards 2016/17
DCOM – inspiration for eGovernment in Macedonia

Data Centre of Towns and Villages (DCOM) provides regional and local government in Slovakia with a comprehensive package of IT services that unburdens them from IT issues, while also letting them provide electronic services to citizens and businesses. Thanks to the solution on the latest cloud technology, electronic services became accessible to even the smallest villages. The project is unique not just in Slovakia in terms of its scope, technical solution, financial model, cost effectiveness and overall success. Representatives of the Macedonian government who are looking for ways to improve […]

DCOM – inspiration for eGovernment in Macedonia

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