
New equipment means better quality tuition of informatics at university

Published 22.9.2016

Help for Schools was the initiative of Peter Kolesár, Director for Public Administration at PosAm. He completed his study at the University of Economics in Bratislava back in 1997. Today, as a manager in a successful IT company, he felt an obligation to his Alma mater: “I’d like to express my pride at being a graduate of the University of Economics and I am glad that I could at least in this way give back to the school some of what it gave me. Apart from a quality education, I had the chance at a time when it was hardly common to take part in a study sojourn abroad, which greatly helped me in my further career growth. I hope that the modern equipment will help improve the quality of tuition so that students are better prepared for the challenges they will face in life.”

On behalf of the Faculty of Economic Informatics of the University of Economics, attendees were welcomed to the opening of the lab by Dean Professor Ivan Brezina, CSc., who appreciated not only PosAm’s support, but also underlined future possibilities of co-operation: “I want to thank the company PosAm, which understands the situation that the school system, including our university, finds itself in, and for helping us secure the equipment for this lab. I firmly believe in future co-operation for the benefit of our students, whether it is in lecturing, the planned renewal of accreditation of the curriculum of Economic informatics, or even in the preparation of new subjects.”

Interest in long-term co-operation was also confirmed by PosAm CEO, Marián Marek: “We know the state of the school system in Slovakia is not exactly how we would like it and I see it as only natural that we help if we can. I believe that the opening of this lab is the first step to our potential co-operation and that with mutual interest we can ensure its continuation. One key area that our company resolves is information support for elaborating the state budget. It is a topic that is close to the University of Economics and I see scope here for the most intensive co-operation possible, whether concerning methodology or expertise. In addition to the subject of budgeting, students may also be interested in our experience in the field of programming, methodology of software development, or project management.”

Renewing the equipment of the computer lab at the Faculty of Economic Informatics of the University of Economics in Bratislava is a logical continuation of the activities of PosAm, which seeks opportunities to support the development of new talent. The main focus is on mathematics, physics, informatics and robotics.

The company is active, for example, in the project called Nemaj na saláme (trans: Don’t be indifferent), which helps secondary school students in making their decision on what and where to study. The aim is for them to choose a field of study accounting for labour market opportunities.

PosAm supports also the association Trojsten, whose members organise competitions and common education for gifted secondary school students in mathematics, physics and informatics.

Even PosAm’s involvement in forming the social environment in which it does business was one of the reasons why it was recently declared National Champion in the European Business Award. One of the most important criteria in this competition, in addition to innovation and success, was precisely compliance to ethic principles and the benefit to its business environment.

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