
VIAMO under PosAm’s supervision

Published 20.6.2013

The latest method of transferring money using a mobile telephone directly to the telephone number of the recipient using VIAMO (, which was launched to the market this month by the partner banks Tatra banka and VÚB, was made possible also thanks to PosAm.

Our specialists played a large part in proposing and implementing the necessary IT infrastructure and also oversee its smooth operation. The solution architecture, which puts maximum emphasis on the security and accessibility of the system, was prepared by our very best infrastructure, security, network and database architects. The problem-free operation and support is secured by our supervisory centre, the Service desk, support and operation services of which are utilised in the form of outsourcing by the likes of power producer Slovenské elektrárne or ZUNO Bank, for instance. You can find out more about the solutions and services of PosAm on

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