
PosAm awarded for the most effective human resources management in the IT sector

Published 26.9.2012

PosAm was evaluated as the company with the most effective human resources management in the IT sector and the best practices in the field of human resources on the market in the IT sector. The value of the award is emphasized by the methodology used which focuses on objectivity, relevance and comprehensiveness of the evaluation. The analysis concentrated on measurable indicators of employee training and development systems, number of career opportunities in the company, structures and competitiveness of remuneration system, effectiveness of recruitment and selection procedures, rates of absence and turnover of employees, attractiveness of the employer on the labour market and organizational structure and overall productivity. The contest for the Leading HR Organization award was attended by 130 Slovak companies, including 19 ICT sector companies.

With respect to the most indicators, PosAm achieved an above average evaluation on the market, even the top evaluation in some of them. Exceptional results were achieved by PosAm in indicators focused on turnover rate, loyalty of employees, investments to training and remuneration system.

The first year of the contest was organized by the company PwC in cooperation with the Association for human resources development and management, medially supported by Trend, Slovak weekly.

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