
As of March, the satisfaction of IT users in Tatra banka is in the experienced hands of PosAm specialists

Published 22.4.2015

Already at the end of 2014 PosAm made headway among the competition of strong multinationals and proved successful in the selection proceedings for the supply of “End User Services in Tatra banka (TB)”. This success reinforced the position of the company on the market of outsourcing services in Slovakia. According to data from IDC, PosAm has moved into the third spot on the market, behind Slovak Telekom and HP.

PosAm’s success is founded on many years of experience with the provision of operational IT services for the largest Slovak companies – Slovenské elektrárne, Ministry of Finance SR, or from the banking sector, ZUNO Bank and Československá obchodná banka. Revenues from the support and operation of IT services account for around 20% of the total revenues of the company (data for 2014).

The victory in the tender started the demanding process of assuming the services from the original provider, which included a lot of organisational, procedural and technical issues. Key areas included the creation of detailed management and operating manuals. It maps out comprehensively and describes the provided services as part of Best practices in line with ITIL and enables their effective management and operation.

The whole process was successfully completed as of 1.3.2015. From this date, PosAm handles the operation and support for end IT devices for roughly 2800 users at the head office of Tatra banka and at its over 120 branches throughout Slovakia, as well as in other members of the Tatra banka group.

“Our services are proof that even upon the optimisation of costs, with the right partner it is possible to capture the highest qualitative parameters in the operation and support of IT. More than 98% of end users express their satisfaction with our services and I am confident that the users of Tatra banka will join them. This figure also commits us to improving and raising the quality of our services even further”, said Radovan Viskupič, Director for Banks, PosAm.

“Success in Tatra banka is confirmation of our abilities and our position on the Slovak market of outsourcing services. It also underlines the fact that for customers, outsourcing is the way to secure their IT services in an effective and top quality way”, said Ladislav Bogdány, Director of Operational Services Division of PosAm.

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