In co-operation with the University, on 8 September we welcomed students from economic facilities of Slovak and German universities to the premises of our company. The German students and professors from the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, based in Halle an der Saale, took part in a 5-day study exchange programme in Slovakia. They were accompanied by Slovak students of the University of Economics in Bratislava.
Our specialists prepared expert presentations for them on budgeting in the public sector in Slovakia. We shared our wealth of experience in this field with them and presented to them our Budget Information System (BIS), which since 1996 we have been supplying to the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic. The system serves for budget management of the state and is the basic pillar of the operation of the state treasury. It is a complex solution that covers all standard processes taking place in the area of public budgets, with over 3,500 users on all levels of state administration now using the system.
We are glad of the opportunity to acquaint university students from Slovakia and Germany with how the budget process works in Slovakia and to present them with our solution, which is among the top IT solutions in Europe. In addition to our company, the students also took part in specialised visits to other distinguished companies operating in Bratislava, such as Dell or Volkswagen.