The Register of Financial Statements (RFS) is established as a central data store for financial statements and related documents. It allows documents to be imported from various sources, access to the data of other institutions and systems, data searches over a web interface, the provision of data via an application programming interface (API), data analysis and the generation of reports using a business intelligence tool. The RFS was launched to live operation in January 2014 and is accessible at
The system practically adopts the basic rule of eGovernment, namely “once is enough”, and so frees businesses significantly from the bureaucratic burden and related costs. Publicly available data increases the transparency of the business environment. Access to the financial data of companies is available not just over the web interface, but also through the application programming interface (API). The system is therefore compliant with the Open Data strategy and policy of the European Union and the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the re-use of public sector information. The RFS greatly simplifies doing business and contributes to improving the Slovak business environment, and also enjoyed a very positive response from the professional community.
To find out more about the RFS project, go to the PosAm website or the case study (hyperlink).