
Quality manager of the year 2014 in the private sector is from PosAm

Published 5.12.2014

Pavol Šurín is a qualified appraiser of the EFQM Prize and is active in the organisation, the European Foundation for Quality Management. He has worked at PosAm since 2005 and can be credited with implementing the integrated management system, which conjoined the principles of several management approaches incorporating the EFQM excellence model and ISO management standards into a single and useful methodology for modelling and improving processes. Under his guidance, this system is being systematically developed and regularly audited by internal and external auditors.

The Integrated Management System in PosAm includes a Quality Management System, IT Service Management System, Information Security Management System, Environmental Management System and Occupational Health and Safety Management System. PosAm has had this combination of standards, unique in Slovakia, successfully established since 2007.

“We perceive change as a natural element of our work and we are continually striving to perfect our ability to change for the better. Our Integrated Management System (IMS) is built on internationally attested methodologies and approaches to managing companies, project teams, architecture design, or operations: EFQM, IPMA, PMI, PRINCE2, RUP, SCRUM, TOGAF, ITIL etc. We verify the advanced level of our IMS by audits in line with ISO 20000, ISO 27001, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. To do things WELL, but also with QUALITY, is not a matter of chance, but comes from long-term and systematic application of the principles and values in which we believe,” said Pavol Šurín on receiving the award.

The National Prize of the Slovak Republic for Quality is the highest award that an organisation can receive in the field of quality management systems. PosAm won this competition already back in 2003. Then in 2005, PosAm became the first company in Slovakia to receive the award “Recognised for Excellence in Europe” of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM).


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