Records are generated from various sources (documents, emails, accounting, etc.) and various formats (text, graphic, audio, video, special, electronically signed, etc.). The legislative requirements for archiving them run into decades in many cases. For example, with payroll records it is 20 years from issue, personal records 20 years from termination of employment, medical reports are 20 years since the last medical service, tax documents 10 years from issue, contracts 10 and more years from contract cessation, etc. The overall period of archiving can therefore exceed even 100 years!
A conference on the theme of electronic archiving, eArchiving, was organised by PosAm at the beginning of May. The conference provided answers to a whole array of legislative, technical and process issues surrounding the establishment and operation of a trustworthy electronic archive: How then to cope with all the requirements of a trustworthy electronic document over such a long period and with such differing inputs? How to ensure its legal relevance, digital trustworthiness, data integrity and long-term availability? How to substitute paper originals with a trustworthy electronic document? How to maintain the trustworthiness for the whole period? How to verify its trustworthiness?
Nowadays, paperless processes are concentrated on electronic documents for optimising internal processes and sharing information. Legal undertakings, contracts and items for long-term archiving are still very much the domain of paper documents. In future, however, these paper documents will most likely become the subject of mere historical or artistic value. Those times are not as far off as it might seem. Becoming part of this trend and preparing for it already now is possible also thanks to the solutions from PosAm.
PosAm has various solutions that resolve the different aspects related to the creation, use and archiving of electronic documents.
PosAm bSign ( lets you sign electronic documents and authenticate the identity of persons by the use of digitised handwritten signatures with biometric features.
PosAm dScan ( lets you authenticate the identity of persons, automated reading, processing and cleaning of data from documents, together with checking their validity and authenticity.
PosAm is a Slovak leader in the implementation of storage solutions from world leader Hitachi Data Systems, with a portfolio including also the unique and specialised archiving solution Hitachi Content Platform. ( In partner co-operation with the company Sefira, the market can enjoy a solution for trustworthy long-term archiving of electronically signed documents.