
DCOM receives the EuroCloud Slovakia Award 2015

Published 22.6.2015

DCOM is a national project aimed at the electronisation of public administration and the development of electronic services on a local and regional level. It is designed to facilitate the conversion from the current status of service provision by local authorities and raise the standard of services, while greatly reducing the administrative burden on citizens, businesses and local governments, including their employees.

Once in full production, DCOM, which is being developed by a consortium of companies led by PosAm, will provide services to an estimated 1500 towns and villages. At present, over 1100 are already affiliated to the project.

DCOM provides town and villages with a tool that lets them deal with their agendas and provide services to citizens and companies electronically. This primarily concerns 138 key duties that local governments administrate. For villages, DCOM will secure the operation of all other information systems.

As part of the project, a suite of software solutions is created that will be provided to municipalities as “software as a service” (SaaS). The project also includes the supply of necessary IT equipment for municipal offices, with subsequent maintenance and also care of users. The municipalities therefore gain a complex package of services, new technical equipment and professional IT support, covering all their needs, which unburdens them from caring for their IT. Responsibility for operation of the systems, their updating, security and legislative compliance, will rest with the operator of the data centre that provides the services.

“I perceive the award for the DCOM project in this competition as affirmation of the suitability of the proposed technical solution linked to the use of cloud technologies. Our goal is to introduce the benefits of this technology into the everyday life of our customers – citizens and workers at municipal offices in Slovakia. I am confident that the benefits of the DCOM project will be of interest also on an international scale,” said Adrián Belánik, Executive director of DataCentre of electronisation of local government in Slovakia.

EuroCloud is a European organisation that has the task of popularising and helping develop cloud technologies via a pan-European knowledge network of customers, providers, research centres and strong relations with European authorities, the European Commission and the Parliament.

More about the DCOM project

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