
Digital handwritten signature: a modern solution for earnest expression of intent

Published 26.5.2014

The results of studies of the company Gartner send out a clear message: it is forecast that by 2016 the majority of companies will either partially or completely digitise 60% of their processes and by 2020 the majority of processes will be available from mobile devices. Many of these processes include an expression of intent by way of a handwritten signature. It is therefore only logical that the majority of people owning a tablet or smartphone expect the option of signing documents on these devices.

The answer is a digital handwritten signature as a full-fledged replacement to hardcopy processes. Unlike the classic method (pen and paper), the entire process, including the handwritten signature of a document, can be done in digital form. As many as 43% of banks that do not yet use digital handwritten signatures are working towards introducing them within the space of two to three years (source: Gartner). In addition to the banking sector, we expect massive deployment also in the telecommunications sector, for instance, and its acceptance and implementation in other sectors is only a matter of time.

The current relevance of digital signatures and the strong position of PosAm in this area were confirmed also by two recent conferences. On 15.5.2014, the monothematic conference of PosAm entitled ‘Digital handwritten signatures in practice’ took place and on 22.5.2014 the eFocus conference was held on the subject of information security, identity management and biometry, with PosAm as an active partner to the conference. Various experts lectured at the conference, giving insight into technological, legislative and other expertise aspects of the topics, as well as a look at a user successfully applying the PosAm solution bSign.

Product Manager at PosAm, Leo Barysz, spoke about the security aspects of using a digital handwritten signature in practice. He focused not only on the properties of digital signatures, but also on how documents are created, guaranteeing that the signed document (combination of text and signature) comprise a single integral whole also in digital form.

Lt. Barbora Geistová Čakovská, PhD, from the Department of Graphology and Linguistic Expertise, Criminal and Forensic Institution of the Police Force spoke about how a digital handwritten signature is created, how to view it from the perspective of protection of personal data and the processing of biometric data, and also about the possibilities of graphology in examining digital handwritten signatures.

The solutions that PosAm has already implemented in the banking and telecommunications sectors utilise digital handwritten signatures not just for signing documents, but also for identifying persons or verifying signature authenticity in real time. The foundation of our solution is the technology from the company Xyzmo Significant. Find out more about PosAm bSign 

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