
Media acclaim benefit of Register of Financial Statements

Published 10.6.2014

From the editorial of Jozef Andacky in the special supplement Trend TOP in Info-technologies (May 2014):

The fully functional Register of Financial Statements (RFS) made the economic data of companies available to the public in a simple and clear way, advancing transparency in the business environment to a whole new level. What’s more, it did so without putting an additional administrative burden on businesses. The data are completed automatically from the information system of Financial Administration, i.e. from tax returns, making also communication with offices simpler as there is no longer a need to send data to the Commercial Journal. The RFS therefore essentially implements the basic rule of eGoverment “once is enough”. This despite not being a project financed from European Funds as part of OPIS.

Full text:


From the eTrend blog of Filip Glasa, founder of the portal  (6 June 2014):

“At least one state IT project on a top European level” is how Filip Glasa starts his eTrend blog. He goes on to say “Slovakia is one of just a few countries to publish financial data of companies on the internet in a user form, and it is one of the first to produce an Open Data set from the financial data of companies. If we look at data usage, the launch of the Register of Financial Statements saw Slovakia overtake most other European countries, where you would search in vain to find a similar internet register and Open Data set of company  financial data.”

Full text:–aspon-jeden-statny-projekt-na-eurpskej-spici.html


About the Register of Financial Statements (RFS):

The RFS is a public administration information system administered by the DataCentrum at the authorisation of the Ministry of Finance SR. It is a central database, thanks to which businesses no longer have to submit data to various institutions, but only to the Financial Administration SR. The other institutions that need the data can get them from this system without having to bother businesses. In addition to reducing the administrative burden and saving time, businesses also save on related fees applicable to date.

As of 2.6.2014, a total of 279 827 financial statements and related documents had been recorded in the RFS, with compilation date from 31.12.2013 onwards and new ones being added each day. Over 1.5 million additional financial statements are in the system for the period 2009-2012, but these are regarded as test data accounting for the launch date of the RFS (1.1.2014).

The creator of the RFS is PosAm, which when designing and implementing the solution drew not only on its know-how in the creation of complex information systems, but also its rich experience with project management for such complex software solutions. The RFS is available at

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